Next to my creative activities I really enjoy gifting body work sessions and coaching.
Like today – afternoon full of private sessions.
So nice to be with bodies, so nice to bask in that energy.
My hands always used to …
Next to my creative activities I really enjoy gifting body work sessions and coaching.
Like today – afternoon full of private sessions.
So nice to be with bodies, so nice to bask in that energy.
My hands always used to …
I remember hearing about some of the basic Access Consciousness tools for the first time felt like home-coming.
One tool in particular I recognized instantly can create a different reality in the split of a second.
What am I …
So grateful for our kids.
They seem to be the easiest kids I know and they seem to be totally ok with their crazy mother.
They couldn’t be more different, yet they both are fun and funny and sweet and … Read more...
You see, this quote is one of my very, very favorites…
Generosity of Spirit, I love the awareness those words give me and I know I know something about this.
The whole team I happen to be part of knows
All the possibilities I have available now I ONLY got because I chose something different.
Regarding possibilities – I seemed to have none.
Regarding money I haven’t any.
Regarding business I started from a scratch.
You wouldn’t like …
I just realized some people are not used to kindness!
They won’t have a problem with receiving from mean people, but show them you care by being kind and what you’ll encounter might surprise you by its character and intensity.… Read more...
One of the comments I often get in my classes is:
“Your laugh is so delicious!”
At first I did not understand what they meant.
Come on I’m just laughing!
When I heard it for the 10th time though I … Read more...
Even though we didn’t have much when I was little my mother always listened to what me and my brother were asking for and at the end we always got our way.
But that must be awfully wrong!?
Well, fortunately …
A frequently asked question: “The offer of Access classes is so diverse and everything seems so great, special and new, what should I choose?”
When I choose for a call, a class or a session, I always follow the energy … Read more...
Inspired by my brilliant French colleaque Annabelle Perceval
On Competition:
How much are we convinced of our smallness?
How much are we unwilling to receive our greatness?
How much are we disbelieving we are unique?
So much so …
So a week ago I facilitated a class. Now I have facilitated classes before…
And I love that, so just to do a class already felt awesome.
And then.
Mostly at the beginning of each class I do short intro
Time to say it as it is:
One of the many reasons me and Kalpana can get along so well is: She sees me.
She not only sees me, she acknowledges me.
She not only acknowledges me with sweet words … Read more...
“Uncomfortable is only 2 seconds before you get to be you.”
~ Dr. Dain Heer
This is SO very TRUE to me.
Ever since I got comfortable with being uncomfortable from time to time my space is expanding exponentially.… Read more...