Amazing Access body work

copy-of-copy-of-bars-body-covers-4Next to my creative activities I really enjoy gifting body work sessions and coaching.

Like today – afternoon full of private sessions.
So nice to be with bodies, so nice to bask in that energy.

My hands always used to go straight to the place that was hurting. My body always knew what to do to provide other bodies with more ease. And I had seriously no idea  that I could use these skills professionally.

Last 3 years I enjoy it so much every time I facilitate a session or a class. More and more and more tools and processes to play with… The way bodies talk to me is getting increasingly clear, or better yet, I can receive the information I’m getting a lot faster and clearer now. They let me know what they need and what contribution I can be.

Bodies have absolutely no judgment, they are willing to receive and release all the misery if they only get a chance.

So grateful for the wonderful Access tools and processes.

How does it get even better than this?

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