About Access Ivana

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Ivana Faber. I was born in the Czech Republic, where I graduated in civil engineering and after a short career in the field, I moved to the Netherlands in 2000 to learn all about the natural lifestyle.

In 2012, I came across a relatively new method in the Netherlands: Access Consciousness®

My life began to change quickly and dynamically. The longer I was playing with the Access Consciousness® tools, the more possibilities I had available, so I chose to become a facilitator and continue exploring what is really possible with this modality.

What I discovered in countless courses with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer and in co-creation with various facilitators – Access® offers plenty of possibilities for anyone looking for change.

Would you like to expand your

– consciousness
– joy
– space
– calm
– connection with the physical body
– health
– the field of relations in the broader sense
– understanding how this reality works
– the financial situation
– and so much more?

I have been professionally involved in Access Consciousness® since 2013. Since March 2017 I have been an Access Certified Facilitator (CF), which means I am also an Access Foundation facilitator in addition to the Access Bars Facilitator (BF), the Access Body Process Facilitator (BPF) and the Access Energetic Facelift Facilitator (AFF). In July 2019, I managed to achieve a three-day body class facilitation certificate and can now offer also these wonderful trainings.

In the winter of 2019, I published the first Czech Access book: “Create Your Life”

I regularly offer the opportunity to attend many Access Consciousness® training courses in the Czech Republic, Netherlands and abroad, as well as online coaching and SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) sessions.

Are you looking for renewal and change?

How can I inspire you to choose more yourself?

How does it get even greater then this?